Sunday, September 26, 2010

God is Dependable

Click here for the audio message of James 1:2-11

This morning we start our study on the epistle of James. Now, everyone knows that James wrote this letter. The question is which James. Is it James the brother of John or James the half-brother of Jesus Christ.

Most scholars believe that it was indeed James the brother of Christ, because James the brother of John was executed for His faith shortly after Christ’s death and resurrection.

James of course would have first hand knowledge of the life of Christ and is writing this letter to the Christians that are scattered around the area due to the persecutions, much like Peter’s letters that we just finished looking at.

The main theme of the letter is the relationship between faith and works. This is a very practical letter for Christian living. James opens his letter by looking at the importance of perseverance when we face trials and temptations.

Right away, James mentioned several different situations that we as believers must get through in our lives. First, as we studied through out Peter’s letter, there will be trials for each of us. What the trial is will no doubt be different for us, but we will all have them throughout our lives.

Second, James mentions the rich and the poor of the world. Some people have more money than they need. Some people don’t have enough money to meet their basic needs. But when we come to Christ, either rich or poor, we are all equal. God is no respecter of people, he treats us equally.

Lastly, James mentions temptations. We all face temptation. The temptation does not come from God. God is Holy and has no capacity for evil. He is perfectly right and just. God allows us to be tempted though by the lusts and desires of this world.

God will not allow us to be tempted beyond our limits and he always provides an escape for us. The question is whether or not we take His escape or we give in to the temptation. That decision is up to each and every one of us in all circumstances.

In verse 2, James tells his readers to consider these things pure joy. A human or worldly response is not joy when we are faced with trials. Think about it. The last time you had a flat tire did you rejoice? Yeah, me either. Although afterward, I thank God that he kept me safe and I was able to get through the situation.

But the idea is to make a conscious commitment to face trials with joy, knowing that God is indeed in control. And that He is there with you, guiding you, and strengthening you. God doesn’t send us these trials just for His fun and amusement. He has a plan and purpose for allowing them to occur in our life. We may not understand it of course, but God knows.

As we face these trials and we persevere through them our faith, our maturity, our closeness to God increases. It gives us a deeper commitment and trusting relationship with our Lord. It brings us closer to God.

Going through trials also shows our weaknesses and things that we need to work on in life. In verse 5, James said we need wisdom from God. How often do you pray for wisdom or thank God for wisdom? This wisdom is the practical skill that is necessary to live life to God’s glory.

When we have that and do that everything else doesn’t really matter because everything just falls in to place as God has prepared it for us. The faithful believer asks for wisdom and other needs through prayer.

The person described in verses 6 through 8 is a weak or wishy washy believer. They are the rocky soil. They readily accept the word of God but when tough times come fall away. They do not have a strong faith. They do not have that solid foundation. Their roots are shallow.

When a trial comes to you, and it will, you can either ask God for the wisdom and strength to get through it, or you can allow the trial to turn into a temptation and turn from God and back to your sin nature.

For example, a recovering alcoholic or drug addict. Things are going pretty well. They have their life turned around. They are working and have been sober for a while. But then something happens. A trial comes. Maybe it is a bad day. Maybe they get fired. Maybe they run into one of their old buddies.

Whatever it is, a trial comes to them. The issue is how do they handle that trial. Do they ask God for the wisdom and strength to get through the trial. Or do they give in to that trial and turn it into a temptation to open the bottle or go party with that friend.

It is tough. We all face these kinds of trials in our lives. And sometimes we do fail. Sometimes we do let that trial turn into a temptation. But we must remember that God is still there for us, even after we fail.

God is the ultimate example of goodness and dependability. God is the same. He does not change and He will not change. We can depend on God for what we need, no matter what your situation is, no matter how bad you have been. God is there to extend His forgiveness and strengthen you for the journey ahead.

Think of the trials and temptations you are currently facing. Think about how this passage of scripture this morning applies to your life right now. How can you be encouraged and increase your dependence on God during those tough times.

Sometimes during a trial or temptation that is tough to do. Think back to times when you were in trouble and see how God’s hand was indeed at work in your life. See how God has always been there doing what He does. Providing comfort. Providing peace. Providing strength.

God is dependable. He is faithful. Remember that the next time trouble comes your way. We are tested to prove our faithfulness. Our testing produces enduring patience in our lives. That is something I think we all need.

Closing Prayer
Heavenly Father, we thank you for our time in your word this morning. We thank you for giving us this practical guide to living a Christian life through your brother James. Help us to face our trials with joy, knowing that you are there waiting for us to come to you for our strength, for our endurance, for our patience.

We thank you for your unending and unchanging presence in our lives. Give us the wisdom that we need to face each day’s adventures in our journey through this life. Guide us so that we may live to glorify you in all that we say and do.


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