Sunday, September 12, 2010

False Teachers

Click here for the audio message of 2 Peter 2:1-10

Last week in Second Peter chapter 1 we read of Peter telling his people, his fellow Christians around the country to maintain themselves. They are to live out their faith by adding the characteristics of Christ to their life.

Some of those attributes are virtue, self control, knowledge, patience, godliness, kindness, and love. We are supposed to practice these things so we are faithful and fruitful servants of God.

At the end of chapter one Peter mentions that all Scripture comes from God. It was not invented or dreamed up by men. And that leads right into today’s discussion of false teachers in chapter two.

Peter describes false teachers in detail throughout this chapter. He realized the importance of Christians recognizing false teachers by their characteristics and their methods.

Peter knew that nothing was more wicked than for someone to claim to be speaking for God or from God, but really are servants of Satan. Satan’s goal has always been to infiltrate the true believers and to corrupt them with his wickedness.

Satan has been in the business of deception since Eve in the Garden of Eden. But Satan does not win the war. God does prevail and God’s justice is carried out. Peter gives a couple of examples from the Old Testament about this.

He mentions the angels falling from Glory. He mentions Lot and Sodom and Gomorrah. He mentions Noah and His family. God is not asleep. He sees and knows what goes on and His wrath and His justice will be poured out upon false teachers and the unbelievers someday according to His plan and purpose.

It can be difficult at times to discern a false preacher or teacher. They look like good bible believers and teachers, but they teach heresies. The basic error of most false teachers is the fact that they will not submit their lives to Jesus Christ.

Their motive is not love of God or love of others, but rather they are motivated by their greed. The love themselves and they love money. They love the power over others or the title of their position. They are controlled by the desires of their flesh.

The question becomes, “Why do people follow false teachers?”

Many of these false teachers have very charismatic personalities. They are able to charm people with their looks and with their words. Mainly, because they say the things people want to hear.

Think about it, nobody wants to hear, “You need to repent or stop doing that sin and you need to dedicate your life to the service of God.” People don’t want to hear that. Instead people want to here, “Send me $100 and your sins will be forgiven.”

I do not think most of the false teachers start out as false teachers. I think they really do start out with the intention of proclaiming the Gospel, but the power and the money gets to them. They are overwhelmed with the deception and lies of Satan.

After a while, they determine they need to do whatever it is they can do to keep people following them, so even though they know the truth they stray from it just to keep the people happy. That is how it all starts.

After a while they even begin to believe their own lies. They are able to fool others and they are even fooling themselves. But they cannot fool God. There will be a more severe punishment for those people, because they knew the truth, yet they taught these lies and deceptions.

I think the false teachers are becoming more popular today because they bring an easy believism gospel and prosperity gospel. A gospel that the people want, not the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They tickle the ears of people rather than delving into the Word of God and explaining it.

While I do believe technology has helped proclaim the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, I also believe that many false teachers have benefited from it as well. You don’t like what one pastor says, log on to another website or simply change the channel.

So many Christians are looking for a show each week. They are looking to be entertained rather than being taught the Word of God and disciplined by the Word of God as needed. We too, like the people of Peter’s day, need to recognize false teachers.

We need to test the things that the pastor or teacher says against what the Word of God says. Now, none of us is perfect. Once in a while I say something that is incorrect, like saying Peter said this when it was really Paul who wrote that. But the incorrect statements that I make are not meant to be deceptive.

Whenever I do say something that is incorrect I would hope that someone would correct me, especially on doctrinal issues. Or at least give me the opportunity to further explain what I was saying and if I am wrong then you show me based upon Scripture how I am wrong.

False teachers won’t do that. They don’t what to discuss the bible. They simple want to say what they want to say and have no questions about it.

When dealing with false teachers we also need to look at their lifestyles and see how they live. Do they live by biblical standards? Do they practice what they preach? We need to evaluate things and think for ourselves rather than just trusting the so called experts.

God holds true to His Word. These false teachers will be judged according to their actions someday. We cannot fall into their trap, the deception of Satan. We must prevail with the Truth of God’s Word.

In order to do that it must be written on our hearts. We must know the Word, so we can evaluate what others say. We must live like Christ to set an example for others.

Closing Prayer

Heavenly father, we thank you for your word. We know that the things you say, you will hold true. We know that judgment is coming upon all who reject you. We ask for the wisdom and knowledge to withstand the influences of evil in this world today.

Fill our lives with your word so that we may easily recognize those false teachers and expose them as such.


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