Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fiery Words

Click here for the audio message of James 3:1-12

James continues his look at the Christian life in our text this morning. He writes about something that probably hits close to home for most of us as well. That of course is taming the tongue. A person’s speech tells a lot about their heart. Through words is probably the easiest and most common way for people to make their sinfulness known to others.

There are some sins that we may not be able to commit simply because we don’t have the opportunity or the interest or desire to do so. For example, most of us here will probably never physically murder anyone. We may not have the strength to do it, we may not be willing to take the risk to do it, or whatever. Most of us will never physically murder another person.

However there are no limits as to what we can think and then say about that other person. Each of us is capable of saying anything and many of us have indeed said things we shouldn’t have.

James compares the tongue to several things in everyday life. He tells us that a little spark can start a forest fire and we know that to be true. The tongue is the same way. The power of words is tremendous.

Fire can get out of control quickly and rapid destruction occurs. What about words? Your words can get out of control quickly too and cause destruction of your relationships with the people around you as well.

Your words can hurt those people around you and make them bitter toward you. Compulsive liars for example begin to believe their own lives. They can no longer distinguish between the truth and a lie. That is why Satan loves it when we are talking.

He knows that the more we talk, the more opportunity we have to say something bad, mean, hurtful, or sinful. It has been estimated that the average person says about thirty thousand words every day. And I am sure we all know a couple of people that exceed that number.

Think about the destruction thirty thousand words can do. The tongue cannot be tamed except by the power of God.

The tongue can condemn, control, and corrupt. But your words can also bring your faith and works together as we shall see. If your heart is obedient to God then your words should demonstrate your love for God and for others.

Going back to the fire illustration. Our lives would be very different without fire. We would have no heat to keep us warm. We would have no way to cook our food. So fire is a good thing, when it is controlled.

Left unattended though a fire can get out of hand and cause massive destruction. The same applies to our words.

We as Christians may talk the talk, meaning we say we are faithful followers of Jesus Christ, but are we walking the walking? Are we doing what God wants us to do? Are we doing what Jesus did? Are you living the Christian life or just talking about it?

We are not perfect that is for sure. We as faithful followers of Christ are still tainted by sin in this fallen world.

But James also finds inconsistency with our words. We bless people and we curse them. It builds people up and it also tears them down. How can this be? This is quiet a conundrum!

We need to remember that only God can completely tame our tongue. We need to live our life in submission to the will of God and joyfully accept what God places into our lives.

One thing that I think we forget is the fact that each of us is made in the image of God. That is right, Saddam Hussain and Adolf Hitler were made in the image of God. That isn’t something we think about very often because we have labeled people certain ways by our standards.

But it is true we are all made in the image of God. So when you are degrading someone with your words it is like degrading God.

Your words can also show others what is in your heart. Do you have nice and kind words, even under pressure? Or are your words mean and nasty? It shows your true self. Think about your words to others and see if you can spot any inconsistencies with your words and actions this week.

Think about this past week, did you: brag and boast to others, lie, slander, gossip, curse, make off colored comments, spread rumors, yell, or argue? I suspect we all did. Maybe there is one of these things that trips you up more than others.

We cannot change our past. What we have done, we have done. What we have said, we have said. But we can change today and we can be the person God wants us to be.

Our words don’t have to tear down. We can in fact use our words to build up instead. As I said, the tongue has tremendous power and can be used for good or evil. We can encourage others rather then telling them they are a failure.

We can comfort them when they are sad. We can praise them when they have done well. We can be supportive when they are struggling. Most importantly, we can proclaim the word of God to them, telling them and teaching them about Christ.

We should make our speech focus on the positive things of life rather than the negative. We will in fact need to deal with difficult people every day of our lives, but we can deal with them with the power of God on our side as well receive Jesus into our lives and live in submission to His will.

A true believer will posses a sanctified tongue, yet they must maintain it.

Nowhere is the relationship between faith and works more evident than in a person’s speech. What you are will be disclosed by what you say. Your speech is a reasonable and reliable measure of your spiritual temperature. Are you burning with a heart for God or for this world?

Closing Prayer

Lord, we thank you for our time in your word this morning. We ask that you will tame our tongues. Make them a source for life rather than a source of evil. Help us our hearts to be shown to others through our words and our actions this week.

We ask this in Jesus’ name.


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