Sunday, August 15, 2010

Joyful Service

Click here for the audio message of 1 Peter 4:1-11

The end of all things is near says Peter about 2000 years ago. The idea of near means that the end is imminent. It is the next big thing or major event that God is going to do. The return of Jesus Christ could be at any moment, so we need to be ready and that is what Peter is telling his readers.

We are to maintain our eternal perspective on life. We are not to be carried away with the cares, desires, fears or emotions of the world. On the other hand, we are not to be so focused on our future heavenly life that with miss out on the opportunities to do what God wants us to do while on earth.

While here on earth we are given certain things to do, such as proclaiming the gospel, because we won’t have that opportunity when we are in Heaven. We are to pursue holiness.

Yes, we are citizens of Heaven, but our current travels are on earth. One day we will need to given an account of the things that we have done for God while on this earth.

God has given each of us certain spiritual gifts to use for His glory. As we use these gifts they will bring glory to God, but also joy to use and for those around us. 1 Corinthians 12 goes into more details about Spiritual gifts, but for today we can simply say that all Christians, all members of the body of Christ have certain God given gifts that they can use to building up the Church.

How do you know what your Spiritual gift is? Well today there are many computer programs that will ask you a bunch of questions and help you identify which gift or gifts you may have.

However, I think there is an easier way to figure it out. Simply identify what you enjoy doing the most to serve God, based upon the Spiritual gifts that are identified through the bible! That’s it. That’s your gift.

You should enjoy using your gift while glorifying God. You will look forward to the opportunity to use your gift to serve God. If you haven’t figured out your gift yet, get involved in a variety of ministries and you will eventually figure out what you like and what you don’t particular care for.

You should enjoy using your gift and it should bear fruit. We are to be fruitful. The Holy Spirit wants you to know your gift. Follow His lead.

In order to strengthen ourselves and our gifts we need to use them at every opportunity. In order to do this, we truly need to know God’s Word. We get our strength from Him to do everything that we do, so we need to align our will with His and focus our lives on Him to serve Him.

Part of serving Him means serving others. We do this out of love, not just for God, but love for others as well. Peter tells us to “keep fervent in your love for one another.” This kind of love requires a believer to put another person’s spiritual health ahead of their own desires.

This is true even if they are being treat poorly and especially during times of trouble and persecution as many of Peter’s readers were. Why do we do this? Peter continues, “because love covers a multitude of sins.”

This is one of those scripture that people get a little confused about sometimes. They think it is ok for a person to sin as long as they show love.

For example, lets say there is someone who really loves the church and serving the body of Christ. Let’s say their service is taking care of the lawn. He takes pride in the work that he does and he does it to glorify God.

Now, lets say some kids are out riding their bikes and decide to take a shortcut through the Church lawn. This man sees this and starts running after the kids yelling and screaming at them for riding on the lawn. And maybe he used a few choice words and really lost his temper because these kids were messing up his lawn.

People would say, oh that is just the way he is. He is passionate about his work and gets angry when somebody comes along and messes it up. His love covers that sin.

This is not the point of this scripture. Yes, love does cover sins, but not like this. We as believers cannot overlook sin in our lives. It must be confronted and removed. The meaning of this scripture is that if you love someone it will “cover” their sins against you.

In other words, if that guy was yelling and screaming at you for walking across his lawn, you won’t hold that against him. You will always be ready to forgive insults and unkind acts against you.

When we do show this type of love we are at peace with others. We do not seek revenge. We seek love and peace. As Peter says, we will be hospitable toward one another. We will open our homes to one another and care for the needy.

Think about your service to God this week. What motivates you to serve Him. What gives you joy while serving Him. Think about the blessings that you have received and will receive for your service to Him.

Rely on God to strengthen you and express your thanksgiving for the many things that He has done for you, is doing for you, and will do for you in the future. We need to radiate God’s love for us.

Closing Prayer

Lord, we thank you for our spiritual gifts. Help us to use them for your glory. Help us to show our loves for others. Give us the strength, the wisdom, and the perseverance we need to carry out your will for our lives.

Help us to serve You joyfully today and every day, “so that in all things You may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and dominion for ever and ever. AMEN

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