Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Birth of Christ

Scripture Reading (click to download audio) – Luke 2:1-20

Our Scripture this evening is very well known to each one of us. God sets his plan in motion by using the human government to accomplish His will. Caesar orders a census and Joseph and Mary must travel to Bethlehem. This of course is where it was prophesied many years before that the Messiah would be born. God controls all history.

They arrive at the village and look for a place to stay. But the village is full and there was no room for them at the inn. Mary gives birth and lays the child in the manger. Mary and Joseph were obeying God’s plan for their lives.

This once again shows that even when we are doing exactly what God wants, it doesn’t mean we will be given an easy or even comfortable life here on earth. But we are promised that God will take care of us and there is a purpose to God’s plan.

Meanwhile, out in the nearby field there were some shepherds watching over their flock. Suddenly, an angel appears to these shepherds and announces the birth of Christ.

Shepherds were the outcasts of society. Because of their occupation, they were unclean people, both in a religiously ritual way and probably in a sanitary way as well. But we see the birth announced to these people first.

This is God’s way of telling us that his mercy, love, and salvation is available to all. Suddenly, a host of angels appear, singing praise to God. They sang, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.”

Peace on earth does not mean some type of universal peace among nations, rather it is peace among God’s people. He is pleased with them, not because of anything they have done, but because He sent His son into the world to save the world from their sins.

Our peace comes from Jesus Christ, not from anything we do. God is pleased with us because of Jesus Christ, not from any good work we attempt.

After seeing and hearing the angels, the shepherds head to Bethlehem. Sure enough they find the child laying in a manger, just as the angel described. They spread the word around town and everyone was amazed.

These Shepherds were really the first evangelists. They heard the word and believed. Then they spread the word.

Mary treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart. She has a lot to think about and trying to put it all into perspective would be very challenging. At this point in time, Mary probably has the most complete picture of the entire story.

From the angel Gabriel she was told that this Child will be great. He will be the Son of the Most High and would sit on the throne of David. He will reign over the house of Jacob forever. His kingdom will have no end. He is the holy One, the Son of God.

She remembers, Elizabeth’s words calling her the “Mother of my Lord.” She thinks back to Joseph telling her about his dream. That this Child would be conceived by the holy spirit and would save the people from their sins. His name will be called Immanuel, for God is with us.

And now the Shepherds come and call him their Savior. What wonderful things to think about.

Christmas is the time that we too think about the birth of Christ. But we must not stop at his birth. This baby grows, lives, dies, rises, and ascends to Heaven for us. One day He will come back, as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

He will rule the world and judge all people according to their decisions about Him. The Good News about Jesus is that He is available to all who come to Him. Whoever you are, whatever you do, you can have Jesus in your life.

Closing Prayer

Lord, we thank you for coming to earth as a child and living like we live only without sin. Help us to be more like you in our lives. We thank you for that sacrifice that you made for us. Strengthen us, so we may carry out your will here on earth.

Lord, I ask that if there is anyone here who hasn’t been living the life that you want, that you would convict them of it tonight and change their hearts so that they may faithfully serve you with their lives.

Prepare our hearts, minds, and souls for our Communion together with you this evening. AMEN.

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