Ruth 4:9-15
Length: 18:28
This is a message given on November 22, 2009 at the Bowdertown United Methodist Church.
Keeping Integrity
Last week we left off with both Ruth and Boaz taking risks. Ruth took the risk of going to Boaz for marriage. She could have been rejected, humiliated, or possibly even lost her life. But she took a risk out of obedience and trust.
Boaz also took a risk by accepting Ruth’s offer of marriage. He risked his reputation with this women. He risked his business. But he was a man of honor and integrity. So he would do what was right.
He knew what the law said about a widow and he also knew there was another closer relative that had the right to marry Ruth. So Boaz again takes a risk by asking the closer relative if he wants to buy Naomi’s property along with taking Ruth as his wife.
This again goes to show us how Boaz truly was a man of integrity. It wasn’t just a one time good act that he did. It was a lifetime of honesty and fair dealings that he got his well deserved reputation.
Our lesson picks up this morning with Boaz heading to the city gate. Apparently the city gate was the meeting place to transact business during this time period. Boaz sees this close relative and addresses him as a friend.
Boaz then goes and gets ten elders of the city. According to God’s law (Deuteronomy) only two or three witnesses were needed for judicial proceedings. But Boaz gets ten men. It is possible that this was a local custom. But it goes to show once again that Boaz is a man of integrity.
He could have just brought the required two or three men and stack the jury so to speak. They could have been people that owed him something. But Boaz got ten men so there could be no misunderstandings about this transaction.
Then Boaz informs the close relative and the elders about the situation. Naomi needs to sell the family land, because obviously as a widow she needs the money. The stipulation attached to the purchase of the land is taking Ruth in marriage.
Boaz is again taking a risk here. It is possible that this closer relative will buy the land and marry Ruth and Boaz will miss out. But Boaz is a man of integrity and does what is right. He leaves the results up to God. He has faith and trust that things will work out the way God wants them to.
Boaz not only shows respect for the close relative by calling him friend, but even with the fact that Boaz is giving him this opportunity. Boaz also shows respect for Ruth by looking out for her.
And not only Ruth, but her late husband as well. Boaz respects him and sees to it that his name will continue on. Boaz is truly a man of integrity.
At first the close relative is eager to purchase the land, but when he finds out that he will have to marry Ruth, he is no longer interested. His reason for not marrying Ruth is because he doesn’t want to have to mix in his property that will go to his sons with that of any children him and Ruth might have.
It sounds a little selfish of a reason to us, but it was God’s way of protecting Ruth. If this man would have said “Sure, I’ll buy the land and take Ruth as my wife.” It is possible that he could have treated Ruth poorly or even abusively.
So the close relative tells Boaz he isn’t interested and Boaz is free to buy the land and marry Ruth. The deal is confirmed by the act of the man giving Boaz his sandal.
Boaz exercises his right to buy the land and marry Ruth by confirming his intentions in front of the ten witnesses.
The witnesses not only confirm that they agree to the legality of the situation, but they actually give a wonderful blessing to Boaz and to Ruth.
Boaz and Ruth of course had a son named Obed who had a son named Jesse who had a son named David. This of course continues the Messianic line right down to Jesus. So they were indeed blessed by God.
Boaz did what was right even though it could have cost him. He was a man of his word. Many people today do not live by their word. They do not have the integrity of Boaz or they compromise their integrity they do have.
Usually, they do this when they are looking out for themselves or if they will gain some benefit. Sometimes, they will compromise because of peer pressure or just going with the crowd. That is very dangerous.
Integrity is being honest with others and being honest with yourself. It involves following through on your commitments, much like Boaz did. Part of integrity involves knowing your weaknesses, sharing them with others, and encouraging them to hold you accountable for your actions.
None of us are perfect and being a person of integrity means confessing when you were wrong and asking for forgiveness. Of course the opposite is true as well. Forgiving others that have wronged you.
Integrity is speaking the truth, even when it hurts. Integrity builds trust and credibility. As Christians we need to be people of integrity.
For sure, it is difficult to maintain your integrity and honesty in this fallen world, especially when the choices are tough and the consequences of our actions are huge.
But, when we are dealing with people we must as Christians do the right thing, act honestly in our dealings and be up front with our intentions. This is how Boaz was, this was how Christ was and is.
We need to trust God, ask for His help in our daily lives and guide us to the things that He wants for us. Ask Him to make you a person of integrity and ask Him to hold you accountable to it.
Think about how you can be faithful this week to do what is right and to trust God with the results.
Closing Prayer
Heavenly Father, we thank you for the wonderful illustrations of normal people living out their faith. We ask for your forgiveness when we do not fully trust you and try to do things our own way. Continually remind us that your way is best. Guide us as we make decisions and help us to do what is right. So that you may be honored and glorified. AMEN.
Monday, November 23, 2009
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